What Does the Rising Infighting of Iran Regime’s Rival Factions Mean?

The Iranian regime’s parliament’s public session on Wednesday and faction infighting once again reflected the regime’s crisis’s depth.
Archive picture- factional infighting in Iran regime’s Majlis

The Iranian regime’s parliament’s public session on Wednesday once again reflected the regime’s crisis’s depth. Members of Parliament shed crocodile tears for people’s economic grievances and attacked the rival faction led by the regime’s President Hassan Rouhani.  Yet, much like other regime officials, they refused to propose a solution for resolving people’s problems. 

Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, the Speaker of the regime’s Majlis (parliament), who is known for his role in oppressing people, particularly the student protest in 1998, was the first to talk about people’s livelihood.  

“The rampant high prices have made life harder for people. Fathers are ashamed of their families. It has made fathers ashamed and ashamed of families. The high prices started one day with eggs and have now reached the chicken. Today the price of chicken has become a symbol of inefficiency and inconsistency in the implementation of [economic] policies,” Qalibaf said.  


“The increase in the price of many people’s necessities, such as poultry and red meat, has no basis,” another MP, Esmail Hossain-Zehi acknowledged, while trying to blame the rival faction.  

“How can the price of chicken, as the last and cheapest source of protein, increase by 50% overnight? How could it vanish from the people’s people’s shrinking table, with the beginning of the general quarantine from November 21? Instead of monitoring the market and preparing and distributing livelihood packages, the price of poultry skyrockets. Then how are you encouraging people to stay at home?” Esmail Zehi added.  

Yet, none of the regime’s MPs offered a solution for the rising prices and inflation rate and people’s problems.   

On Wednesday, Rouhani also shed crocodile tears for people and acknowledged how hard their economic situation is. “I know how hard [the situation] is—that small business owner who must close its shop, the worker that now has lost his work. We know how hard the situation is for the people,” he said.  

Rouhani had previously attacked the rival faction and accused them of making these points for the sake of the regime’s upcoming sham presidential elections.  

“There is still time until the next election. It is fine that you do whatever you want for the election. For those who try to find the champion of lifting the sanctions, I tell them, you are the champion. Those who only criticize,” Rouhani said on November 18.  

But Rouhani also declined to offer a solution. Neither of the rival factions has spoken of using Iran’s vast resources and billions of dollars in different financial institutions to help people.  

The regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, who controls a financial empire with dozens of super holdings and large financial institutions, has not allocated even a single dollar to help people. 

The regime’s officials are worried about the economic situation, but not for people’s sake. They are afraid of their security because the economic and social pressures on people could result in an uprising. The regime still has the nightmare of the November 2019 uprising, which rattled mullahs’ foundations. The major Iran protests in November 2019 also started due to economic grievances.  

All the regime’s factions talk about social and economic crises, shed crocodile tears for the people.  But during their infightings and struggle for more power, both factions blame the other. Yet, neither accept the responsibility, and none of them act. In a nutshell, this portrays the regime’s absolute deadlock.   

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