Tuesday’s Iran Mini Report – May. 15, 2018


• Demonstration against the visit of Mohammad Javad Zarif the Foreign Minister of Iranian regime

Supporters of the Iranian opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a rally in front of the EU headquarters against the visit of Mohammad Javad Zarif the Foreign Minister of the mullahs’ regime in Brussels, Belgium, 15 May 2018. Reports state that they expressed their support for the uprising in Iran and called this ‘religious dictatorship’ as the number one state-executioner in the world. EPA-T

• US sanctions head of Iran Central Bank

The Department of Treasury on Tuesday sanctioned the governor of the Central Bank of Iran for allegedly funneling millions of dollars to support Hezbollah.

The Treasury labeled Valiollah Seif, governor of Iran’s Central Bank, and a second official at the bank, Ali Tarzali, as “specially designated global terrorists” for their role in the scheme.

According to the Treasury, the two helped the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force in support Hezbollah. Seif allegedly “covertly funneled millions of dollars” for the IRGC-QF through the al-Bilad Islamic Bank, an institution based in Iraq, to “enrich and support” Hezbollah.

• Iranian Group Offers $100,000 To Destroy U.S. Embassy In Jerusalem

An Iranian student group is offering a $100,000 reward to anyone who bombs the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, Newsweek reported.

The Iranian Justice Seekers Student Movement has distributed posters in English, Arabic and Farsi calling for attacks on the embassy. The fliers reportedly say the group “will support anybody who destroys the illegal American embassy in Jerusalem,” offering “a $100,000 prize” to anyone who does so.

• Bahrain Gives Life Sentences to 53 Individuals On Terror Charges

DUBAI, May 15 (Reuters)
A court in Bahrain revoked the citizenship of 115 people and gave 53 of them life sentences on terrorism charges, the public prosecutor said on Tuesday, in one of the most severe rulings yet in the Gulf island kingdom.

Authorities in Western-backed Bahrain have accused scores of people of militancy in a series of mass trials, saying the defendants are backed by Iran. Rights activists say they have included mostly peaceful opposition members.

• Oil prices retreat on fears that Iran sanctions will restrict exports

New York — Oil prices retreated below multi-year highs hit early in the day on Tuesday, supported by concerns that US sanctions on Iran, which are likely to restrict crude oil exports from one of the biggest producers in the Middle East.

Prices remained capped by a stronger dollar and by concerns that China’s economic growth may be slowing after the major oil consumer reported weaker-than-expected monthly data.

• Siemens CEO: We can’t do new deals with Iran

One of Europe’s top chief executives has underscored just how tough it will be for the region’s political leaders to salvage the Iran nuclear deal.

Speaking to CNN on Sunday, Siemens (SIEGY) CEO Joe Kaeser said his company could not do any new business in Iran after President Donald Trump decided to ditch the deal and reimpose US sanctions.

• Iran foreign minister scrambles to China and Russia to save nuclear deal

Iran Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said he hoped for a “clear future design” of the deal as he began a series of diplomatic tours aimed at rescuing the agreement.

He will also meet with the foreign ministers of Germany, France and the UK in Brussels on Tuesday to discuss the future of the deal.

• Iranian Official: Telegram’s Filtering Is Permanent

An Iranian official defended the decision of the country’s judiciary to block the popular messaging application Telegram and said that the measure will be in effect permanently.

Abdussamad Khorramabadi, the chairman of the committee for Internet Crimes, a task force under the supervision of Iran’ judiciary said on Saturday May 12: “Do not pay attention to the rumors that say filtering of Telegram is temporarily. It is final and permanent.”

• Workers Of Arak’s HEPCO Company Block Railroads On Their Second Day Of Protest

On Monday, May 14, 2018, the workers of Arak’s Hepco Company started their second day of protest demanding Iranian authorities to address their claims and rights.

In protest to the transfer of HEPCO’s corporation and the failure to pay their wages, the workers blocked the railways in Arak, Iran.

• Bakers Hold Protest Rally In Front Of Provincial Governorate In Semnan, Iran

On Monday, May 14, 2018, a group of bakers hold protest rally in Semnan, Iran, against the Iranian authorities issuing of disorderly licenses for bakeries and a six-year standstill of their wages.

• Women partake in protests of teachers, retired education staff

A large number of women were among the teachers and retired Education Ministry staff who had converged from around the country outside the Education Ministry in Tehran, on Sunday, May 13, 2018. They demanded their bonuses and rewards after 30 years of service.

• Iran: Women’s rights abused for their faith

Three women were summoned to court and transferred to the Prison of Ahwaz on Sunday, May 13, 2018.

Neda Sabeti, Forough Farzaneh and Nooshin Afshar who had been earlier freed from the detention center of the Intelligence Department of Ahwaz on Saturday, May 12, 2018, were re-arrested and place in jail. All three women are followers of the Baha’i faith.

• Iran: Women’s futsal championship was not broadcast

With the victory of the Iranian women’s futsal team over Japan’s in the final game of the 2018 AFC Women’s Futsal Championship, the state television’s failure to broadcast the final game has turned into a political challenge for the Iranian regime.

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