The Power Dynamics Between Iran’s Regime, the Resistance and the West

free iran rally 2023

In September 2022, the world woke up to a new reality in Iran. Unlike what so many analysts had predicted, a revolution started brewing against a brutal and complex oppressive machine in the Middle East that had previously plagued the entire region while negatively influencing the Arab Spring. The clerical extremist regime itself was now in jeopardy and the world could see it.

As the popular uprising prolonged month after month and shattered the prejudice of Western spectators, a few parties became inclined in having a share of Iran’s future. Meanwhile, some media activists and opportunists-turned-political-activists, and those in the West who previously were actively searching for “moderates” inside the regime started to work on a new project: creating a new alternative to the Iranian regime.

These actors employed extensive propaganda tactics through Persian-speaking media and social platforms to construct a so-called Iranian opposition that lacked any organizational backbone and political integrity. Their goal was to sideline or, at the very least, control and subdue Iran’s organized and resilient Resistance movement under their own influence.

The desperate clerical regime, striving to maintain control over an increasingly outraged society, feared the repercussions of a brutal crackdown. To mitigate this risk, they used the phony alternative industry within the diaspora to attack the sole party genuinely working for regime change.

Nonetheless, as the uprising began to demand higher costs, the facade of the fake opposition coalition crumbled. The clerical regime resorted to diplomatic discourse to feign stability. Misinformed Western decision-makers believed they could exploit a weakened regime to settle old disputes regarding the nuclear program and foreign nationals held as hostages.

The terrorist regime coerced Brussels into a treacherous deal, securing the release of its highest-ranking intelligence agent, who had been captured during a thwarted attack in 2018. The De Croo government capitulated, and the Belgian opposition could only offer resistance for a few weeks. But as the Iranian Resistance got involved, the deal was stalled for more than a year and went only through after the entire world learned that appeasement sacrifices democratic values at the altar of the most active state sponsor of global terrorism.

Next, it was France’s turn to try to curry favor with the mullahs’ regime. As expected, a full-fledged assault on the Free Iran World Summit 2023 unfolded against the backdrop of secret talks with Tehran, including a 90-minute phone call between French President Emmanuel Macron and Ebrahim Raisi.

The Resistance diligently prepared for various plans and worst-case scenarios, navigating logistical, political, social, and financial complexities. Though certain parties in the West were determined to prove such an independent movement’s will ineffective.

Resolutions of support from over a hundred world leaders, more than 70 Nobel Laureates, and more than 3,600 lawmakers from 41 countries were made public, reflecting a significant inclination towards global acceptance of the Iranian Resistance. These resolutions also acted as a safety net, shielding the Resistance from impending conspiracies orchestrated by the regime.

The resilient movement, which had debunked terrorist labels in numerous courts, did not succumb to pressure. With unwavering determination, the Iranian Resistance elevated the independent judicial system in France, leading to the overturning of the conspiracy.

With less than 48 hours’ time, despite overwhelming confusion, challenges related to the security considerations of renowned guests, and the precarious situation on Paris streets, the Free Iran Rally and World Summit successfully took place in two separate locations over four consecutive days.

It took the Resistance a massive amount of tolerance, work, time, and resources to work against the odds, but prevail it did. It showed Iran’s restive society and the world that when a nation remains independent and unwavering in its pursuit of freedom and democracy, no power can withstand the noble quest for justice.

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