Bahrain’s FM: Iran uses ISIS as pretext to meddle in region

Bahrain’s foreign minister Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa

Bahrain’s foreign minister Shaikh Khalid Bin Ahmad Al Khalifa has called on the regime in Iran to stop exacerbating situations in areas of conflict under the pretext of helping in the fight against the Daesh (ISIS) terror group.

Shaikh Khalid said on Sunday in a Twitter message to the Iranian regime’s foreign minister Javad Zarif, “Stop exporting the weapons that have caused wars and sedition, and do not use the Daesh argument. We are capable of defeating them.”

Shaikh Khalid was reacting to statements by Zarif in which he stressed the mullahs’ “firm decision to continue the development of its defense programme as well as its arms aid to those states in the region that are fighting terrorism.”

“We have announced that our defense capability will continue unharnessed and that our arms aids to our allies will continue too,” Zarif said, quoted by the Iranian regime’s state-run Fars News Agency.

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