Yemeni president blames Iran regime for backing Houthi rebels


Yemen’s President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Tuesday accused the regime in Iran of seeking his country’s destruction by backing Houthi rebels in Yemen’s civil war.

In a speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Mr. Hadi blamed the regime in Iran for supporting what he called a “military and political coup d’état” by Houthi rebels to undermine a political transition, the Wall Street Journal reported.

“We find ourselves mixed in this battle, this fight for this country and the legitimacy of the state to ensure the country not fall into the hands of Iran, which would like to see the destruction of the country,” Mr. Hadi said. “This was indeed a desperate attempt to impose the Iranian model through the use of force.”

A Saudi-led Arab coalition began air strikes in March seeking to unseat the Houthis and restore Mr. Hadi to power.

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