Yemen Government Protest About Iran’s Meddle in the Country


NCRI – The representative of the legitimate government of Yemen on Thursday 5th December 2016 announced that he will send a report about Iran’s meddle to the Secretary General of UN, Antonio Guterres.

The permanent Ambassador of Yemen in UN, Khaled Alymany in an interview with Ashargh Al-Awsat said:”this report is produced by the Special Criminal Committee of Yemen. This Committee has also listed the ousted Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh and the leader of Houthi militia Abdul Malik Houthi as wanted people.

The legitimate government of Yemen in this report mentioned that a ship that carried arms and military equipment and sent by the Iranian regime to Houthi militias was confiscated.

Alymany also stressed that these sorts of reports have earlier been sent to the Security Council and the former Secretary General of UN but the result was not favorable.

The representative of Yemen government in UN warned Iran that if they pursue interventionist projects, Yemen will definitely confront them.

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