White House: Iran Regime Prolonging Yemen War


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The Iranian Regime is prolonging the war in Yemen and undermining UN efforts to end the conflict through diplomacy, in order to pursue their objective of regional domination, according to comments from the White House on Wednesday.

The US has also accused the Iranian Regime of supplying the Houthi rebels in Yemen with advanced weaponry, including ballistic missiles that were used to attack Makkah and Riyadh this year.

This backs up claims made by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the wake of last Saturday’s missile attack on Riyadh International Airport by the Houthis. He called that attack a “direct military aggression by the Iranian regime”.

The official White House statement condemned Iran’s actions and pledged to support Saudi Arabia and its allies against the Regime’s violations of the UN resolution that enshrines the 2015 nuclear deal.

It read: “Houthi missile attacks against Saudi Arabia, enabled by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, threaten regional security. These missile systems were not present in Yemen before the conflict, and we call upon the UN to conduct a thorough examination of evidence that the Iranian regime is perpetuating the war in Yemen to advance its regional ambitions.”

The Iranian Regime is well known for its use of proxies to launch attacks across the Gulf region and the world, while shirking responsibility.

James F. Jeffrey, former US ambassador to Iraq and Turkey and a distinguished fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said: “It is symptomatic of what we have seen for 35 years: Iran expands and threatens and strikes via surrogates and refuses to admit responsibility.”

The countries that the Iranian Regime targets have traditionally had difficulty deterring Iran from its destabilisation policy.

Jeffrey said: “Until countries are willing to hit Iranian interests directly and bear the risks, this will just continue. US and Saudis should warn Iran: Another such attack and they will jointly strike a target in Iran. Nothing else will cause Iran to pause.”

While Ellen Laipson, a Distinguished Fellow and President Emeritus of the Stimson Center in Washington, said: “Neither Tehran nor Riyadh appears ready to back down or find a path to a compromise and negotiated a settlement of the crisis, nor Iran would not necessarily be at the negotiating table. The stakes are higher for Saudi Arabia than for Iran, which sees Yemen as a target of opportunity rather than a vital national interest.”

A spokesperson for President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi also noted that reports of him being held in Saudi Arabia were lies to discredit the Arab nation in its fight against Iranian interference in the Middle East.

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