What Does the US’s IRGC Designation Mean?

What Does the US's IRGC Designation Mean?

By Amir Taghati

On Monday, the US announced that it would add Iran regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) to its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) next week.

This was the first time that the US had ever included a foreign country’s army to its FTO, which made this case especially newsworthy, particularly as it is now close to the one-year anniversary of the US withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal.

The designation was welcomed by the Iranian Resistance, in particular Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), who have been calling for the international community to recognise the IRGC as a terrorist group for years. They highlighted – through hundreds of books and dozens of conferences – the malign role of the IRGC in domestic repression and the export of terrorism.

Following the designation, the Resistance wrote: “The fact of the matter is, as far as the Iranian people’s political and the national interests are concerned, this designation has long been overdue. The Iranian people and the Resistance have paid a heavy price with their lives and assets, which are irreparable. It is undeniable that this important event is a result of one of the Iranian opposition’s greatest diplomatic efforts, and its steadfastness and continued-struggle toward the Iranian people’s national interest in the history of Iran.”

So how will this affect the Iranian Regime?

Well, the mullahs’ main tool of repression and terrorism will take a major hit, politically and economically, because they control vast sectors of the Iranian economy. This will make it harder for the Regime to survive. The mullahs will have less power to rob the country’s wealth, less power to support terrorist groups in the Middle East, and less power to plan terror attacks in the West. All because the failed appeasement policy of the West is finally falling.

And this would ultimately change the power balance and make it easier for the Iranian people to overthrow the malign Regime. Obviously, this is something that the mullahs do not want, which is why they are determined to bully, blackmail, and deceive the international community in order to convince other countries not to following America’s path.

But the rest of the world should also put the IRGC on their terrorism watch lists, in order to ensure that the mullahs’ pet army cannot be a threat to global peace and security any longer.

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