Using threatening tone, Khamenei’s media continue to slam Ahmadinejad

NCRI – On Saturday, the state-run Jahan News, a news media linked to Khamenei’s band, pointed out the slogans and tensions during Ahmadinejad’s speech and warned him to take a lesson from the event.

This state-run media compared the slogans against Ahmadinejad to those against Khomeini’s grandson last year and wrote: “The slogans in support of the green road of supreme leader that were chanted during Ahmadinejad’s speech and during Hassan Khomeni’s speech contain a lot of unspoken words… and this is the point that those personalities and those persons who consider support for themselves among the people must not forget.”


Using a threatening tone, Jahan News added: “Backing of Khomeini’s House or twenty some million votes do not insure anyone in facing people’s questions on principles and values. This is a practice and an example that the elite and the officials must review everyday.”

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