US Representatives Call on Biden Administration for Tougher Stance on Iran’s Regime

United States Congress

In a session of the U.S. House on November 30, the bill preventing the Iranian regime’s permanent access to the released 6 billion dollars in the hostage deal was approved. During their speeches, congressional representatives characterized the regime as the foremost supporter of global terrorism. They emphasized the significance of implementing measures to counteract Tehran’s malign activities in the region.

Chairman of the U.S House Committee of Foreign Affairs, Michael McCaul, stated, “We are here today because the Biden administration cut a dangerous, reckless hostage deal that puts a price on every American head all over the world. And we have a responsibility to the American people to repair this damage.”

“Under this deal, Iran is getting access to 1.2 billion dollars per blue passport. Per American citizen. It is obvious that this agreement incentivizes more hostage-taking.

“Put simply, the Middle East is on fire, and Iran’s proxies are becoming more aggressive every day with increasing attacks, threatening to throw the Middle East into complete [destabilization].

And now Iran’s [destabilizing] influence extends beyond the Middle East – they continue to supply deadly drones to Russia, supporting their unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine.

Calling the regime in Iran the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, US House Majority Leader Steve Scalise also said, “The president of Iran has already told you what he’s going to do with the $6 billion. You’ve got the Biden administration saying: ‘Don’t worry, it’s all about humanitarian aid.’ The problem is the people who are going to be getting the $6 billion aren’t saying that. The president of Iran himself went on TV, [NBC], said: ‘This money belongs to the Islamic Republic of Iran. And we naturally will decide, the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide to spend it wherever we need it.”

“Thank goodness in this House, we’re going to take a vote and we’re going to pass this bill. And hopefully, it’s an overwhelming bipartisan vote to send it to the Senate and help wake up our Senate friends to say this is a position that we should be vocal on, as they still haven’t figured out what to do with funding for Iran,” Mr. Scalise added.

Mike Garcia, a member of the Congressional Budget and Information Committees, conveyed in his speech that there should be no necessity for a congressional bill to prevent the President of the United States from sending 6 billion dollars to the Iranian regime which is regarded as the main supporter of terrorism globally. Mr. Garcia mentioned that according to the U.S. government, the funds are intended solely for humanitarian purposes, drawing an analogy equating it to providing money to an addict with the expectation that they would use it to buy food.

During her speech, U.S. Representative Young Kim said, “I rise in strong support of H.R. 5967, the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, to keep Iran from accessing the $6 billion in assets that were unfrozen in September. This bill imposes sanctions on international financial institutions that process, participate in, or facilitate transactions using or involving the $6 billion in unfrozen Iranian assets that were transferred from South Korea to Qatar in exchange for five hostages kept in Iran in September.”

“We also now see Iran’s proxy militia and terrorist organizations carrying attacks on U.S. troops and military assets in Syria and Iraq. Congress must take strong action to bolster our sanctions policy and stop Iran from accessing assets that it can use to carry out its terrorist agenda across the Middle East,” Mrs. Young concluded.

Calling the regime in Iran, “the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism,” Representative August Pfluger said during his remarks, “The only currency that is recognized by the Iranian regime is strength, something that the administration has not shown.”

“This is a watershed moment and it demands a resolute response,” he added. “The United States must increase pressure on the Iranian regime by denying its access to funds abroad. Deterrence is the name of the game,” Congressman Pfluger added.

In a press release issued on December 1, US Congressman Daniel Webster expressed backing of H.R. 5961, the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act, stating, “As the world’s largest state-sponsor of terrorism, Iran is a proven opponent of U.S. interests, international security, and universal values of liberty. This legislation ensures that these funds are frozen, preventing billions of dollars from reaching Iran and being used to support terrorist organizations.”

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