UN investigates new attempts by regime to import items for North Korea

NCRI – The Iranian regime is under investigation for new attempts to import items from North Korea and China that are banned under U.N. sanctions against Tehran’s nuclear and missile programs, U.N. diplomats told Reuters on Tuesday.

Colombian U.N. Ambassador Nestor Osorio, who chairs the Security Council’s Iran sanctions committee, said “the increase in the number of reported sanctions violations is a matter of serious concern,” according to Reuters.

A Security Council diplomat provided Reuters with details of the investigations of the suspected violations.

 They involved attempts by the Iranian regime to import aluminum powder and phosphor bronze, both banned items.

“The aluminum powder was from DPRK (North Korea) and interdicted by Singapore,” the diplomat said on condition of anonymity. “The phosphor bronze was seized in South Korea from a Chinese company.”

British Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant told the council that the two incidents were clear violations of the sanctions. He also mentioned a shipment of weapons from the Iranian regime bound for Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.

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