UN asked to stop Iranian arms smuggling to Yemen – Gulf News


Saudi Arabia called on the United Nations Security Council on Thursday to put an end to the Iranian regime’s weapons smuggling to the Al Houthi militia in Yemen as the clandestine shipments continue despite a UN resolution forbidding it, Gulf News reported.

Saudi Arabia’s representative to the UN, Abdullah Al Mouallimi, added in a letter to Security Council president Gerard Van Bohemen that the smuggling of Iranian-made weapons to Yemeni militias fighting the internationally-recognized government of Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi is not only a violation of the Security Council resolution but also threatens the stability of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the region as a whole. 

“We further urge the Security Council to take all necessary measures to demand that Iran complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions, cease and desist from any illegal actions in Yemen,” Al Mouallimi added in the letter, which was carried by several regional news agencies. 

The seizure of weapons by maritime forces from Australia, France and the US, “uncovered huge shipments of illicit arms confirmed to have originated in Iran”, the letter added. 

Saudi Arabia reaffirmed in the letter its right “to take all appropriate measure to counter the threats by the Al Houthi-Saleh rebel militias and will spare no effort in protecting the security and safety of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and its people, and the region”. 

“On August 31 2016, Houthi rebel militias and their supporters fired a ballistic missile of the type “ZilZal-3” (“Earthquake-3”) at the city of Najran, in the south of Saudi Arabia. Rocket “ZilZal-3” is a short range ballistic missile produced in Iran,” the letter, which Al Arabiya News Channel also obtained, read.

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