Wednesday, July 17, 2024

UAE condemns Saudi mosque attack


The United Arab Emirates condemned the terrorist attack that targeted worshippers in a mosque in Saudi Arabia, in which dozens of people were killed and injured.

In a statement issued on Saturday, UAE’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash said: “Such a heinous crime requires the international community to rally efforts to confront such cowardly acts and devious thoughts, which pay no respect to human lives and sacred places.”

Gargash added the UAE stood with Saudi Arabia in the face of such crimes, which are aimed at damaging the national unity of the kingdom.

A Saudi-led coalition of Arab and Islamic countries has been carrying out a military campaign against the Houthi group in Yemen which is supported and funded by the Iranian regime.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the bombing in Qudayh Town in the Qatif Governorate of Saudi Arabia.
The claim of responsibility, made in a statement circulated on pro-ISIL Twitter feeds, could not be independently confirmed.

Former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri, on Friday condemned the suicide bombing as “terrorist” attach aimed at “stirring sedition” that serves the interests of Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis.

Hariri said in a statement: “The objectives of this criminal attack are obvious, because it is part of a vicious cycle seeking to stir sedition among the sons of the kingdom and to jeopardize its stability.”

“The bombing that rocked the Qatif region directly serves the interest of those affected and intersects with the interest of the Huthi militias and the rest of militias that are subservient to Iran,” added Hariri.