U.S. says will continue to designate Iranian regime for violation of human rights and support for terrorism

U.S. will continue to designate Iranian regime for its human rights violations, support for terrorism, U.S. department of State said on Wednesday.

Marie Harf, Deputy Spokesperson for U.S. Department of State said: “We have been very clear publicly that we will continue to designate Iran for…its human rights violation, [and] support for terrorism.”

However she said the U.S. “did pre-notify” the Iranian regime “before we took these designations last week. But Under Secretary Sherman’s conversations have just been about the nuclear issue.”

The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced on February 7 the designation of “a key Iran-based al-Qa’ida facilitator who supports al-Qa’ida’s vital facilitation network in Iran, that operates there with the knowledge of Iranian authorities.”

“The network also uses Iran as a transit point for moving funding and foreign fighters through Turkey to support al-Qa’ida-affiliated elements in Syria, including the al-Nusrah Front.”

The statement by the U.S. Department of Treasury said: Treasury ” designated Iran-based Islamic Jihad Union facilitator Olimzhon Adkhamovich Sadikov (also known as Jafar al-Uzbeki and Jafar Muidinov) for acting for on behalf of and providing support to al-Qa’ida.

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