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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismU.S. Pressure on Iran Regime Should Increase

U.S. Pressure on Iran Regime Should Increase

U.S. Pressure on Iran Regime Should Increase

By Amir Taghati

In an unprecedented move, U.S. President Donald Trump announced last week that the Iranian Regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is being designated a foreign terrorist organisation. This is the first time that a U.S. government has designated another country’s military as such. But it is also a move that is long overdue and Trump has shown that he has the courage to take action that previous presidents have shied away from.

Not surprisingly, the Iranian regime has spoken out about the designation, criticising the United States and threatening its forces stationed in the Middle East. Iranian officials have said that Trump’s move has been interpreted as an attack on Iran.

In a pathetic response to the U.S. action, the Iranian regime has designated CENTCOM (the US Central Command in the Middle East) a terrorist organisation while there has never been such an official system of designation in this regime.

The commander of the newly-designated IRGC, Mohammad Ali Jafari, threatened the United States in no uncertain terms, saying that the U.S. forces in the region would not be able to enjoy “today’s peace” for much longer, suggesting that the U.S. army and IRGC could become involved in a direct confrontation.

Iran Regime’s President Hassan Rouhani also had a lot to say about the designation, saying that Trump has “made a big mistake”. Rouhani said that this designation means that Trump has “sacrificed the interests of American people and others across the world” and warned that the regime’s missile development presents a great threat to the United States. “You know that we have developed missiles since last year until this year that are beyond your imagination.”

Rouhani, who many in the West be described as a “moderate”, added that the United States is “at the top of terrorism in the entire world”, implying that the U.S. is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world.

The IRGC has been terrorising countries in the Middle East for years. The Iranian regime is growing its Shiite force in Syria and it is attempting to spread its influence across Iraq. Its intentions are malign and it is set to do all that it can to further its goals. The Quds Force, the branch of the IRGC that deals with its foreign interventions, is specifically tasked with exporting the so called Islamic Revolution. It has recently become known that the Quds Force is responsible for 600 American soldiers being killed during the U.S. occupation of Iraq.

It also appears that the Iranian regime is restarting its enrichment of weapons-grade uranium with reports indicating that the regime had authorised and put into motion several advanced nuclear centrifuges. It has been reported that the process started on Iran’s “National Nuclear Day” and officials said the action is to honour all those putting “jihadi efforts” into the country’s nuclear program.

Iran regime’s belligerence knows no bounds and judging by the very direct threats from regime leaders, it was a completely justified move by the United States to designate the IRGC an FTO and should be completed by designating Iran regime’s notorious ministry of intelligence as an FTO too.

The people of Iran also welcome the pressure on the regime because they are desperate for change and they want the international community to see the regime for what it is.