U.S. announces sanctions against companies with ties to Lebanese Hezbollah

The U.S. Treasury Department announced new sanctions against a network of firms in Beirut, Dubai and China for aiding Hezbollah purchase technology that went into drones that are being used to support its war inside Syria to back President Bashar al-Assad

The network of Stars Groups Holding of Beirut which is run out of Beirut, according to these officials, procured engines, communications electronics and navigation equipment for Hezbollah from companies inside the U.S.، Europe, Canada and Asia in violation of American exports laws.

“With disturbing reach far beyond Lebanon, Hizballah’s extensive procurement networks exploit the international financial system to enhance its military capabilities in Syria and its terrorist activities worldwide,” said David Cohen, Treasury’s under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence.

“This global terrorist activity and expanding criminal network belie Hezbollah’s claimed purpose as a national liberation movement. It is critical that countries throughout the world work together to combat this dangerous organization and sever it from sources of revenue and support.

An Iranian MP acknowledged in February that the Iranian regime has sent thousands of members of Hezbollah to fight for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Mahmoud Nabavian, whose remarks were published in the state-run media, said: “We brought 150,000 Syrians to Iran and trained them militarily and trained 150,000 over there and sent 50,000 Hezbollah forces there, and Hezbollah declared that 80,000 missiles were ready to be launched at Israel and that caused the US to fail in Syria

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