U.S. accuses Iraqi official for allowing Iran military aid to Syria

Washington ( – While Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was discussing the war on terror in Washington, his hosts showed him documents accusing his Transport Minister Hadi al-Amiri of allowing air cargo loaded with military aid enter Syria from Iran through Iraqi airspace.

Maliki, who was also disparaged by Washington for sparking sectarian rifts in Iraq, was faced with yet another U.S. criticism when presented with the report.

The documents said weapons and ammunition were transported through Iraq’s airspace without any interruption in an attempt to preserve Iran’s “strategic base” in Syria at any cost.

It also said that Amiri plays a key role in getting permits for Iranian airlines heading to Syria through Iraq.

Washington accused Amiri of playing an intermediary role due to his strong relations with Tehran.

While the minister has previously denied allowing these flights, he has expressed his admiration for Qassem Suleimani, the Commander of Quds Force, a division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Crops, a branch in Iran’s military, is believed to be playing a key role in supporting Syrian regime forces battling rebels.

Amiri is also leader of the former Shiite militia group, Badr Brigade. The group is currently an Iraqi political party known as the Badr Organization.

The brigade, which was established in Iran, originally aimed to overthrow the former regime of Saddam Hussein.

Meanwhile, Iraqi parliamentarian Ahemd al-Alwani, told Al Arabiya that “this is not new, and this is has been happening for the past two years.”

“Even corpses of those [Iraqi militia] killed in Syria are being brought through Iraqi planes to be buried home.”

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