Turkey and Saudi Arabia oppose using Iran regime affiliated militias in Mosul Operations


Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, at a joint news conference, opposed the presence of Iraq’s so-called Popular Basij (mobilization) Forces, made up mainly of the Shiites affiliated with Iranian regime, in the operations to retake Mosul from ISIS. Turkish Foreign Minister, Mouloud Chavosh Oglu, and his Saudi counterpart, Adel al-Jubeir, participated in a joint press conference on October 13 following Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) meeting.

The issue of Iraq was one of the most important topics in the press conference, as well as the main topics of talks, as the report implies, in the meeting of the GCC members and Turkey.

According to the Turkish news agency, Anatolia, Mr. Chavosh Oglu said Ankara does not want the people of Mosul be forced to choose between the Shiite militias [affiliated with Iran regime] and the paramilitary group known as the Islamic State (ISIS).

Adel Jubeir too said Shiite militias “Associated with Iran [regime] have created problems elsewhere in Iraq and have committed crimes. If they enter Mosul, a disaster will occur.”
Saudi newspaper “Saudi Gazette” cited the statement of Turkish Foreign Minister in a different way that is not mentioned in the report by Anatolia news agency. In the Saudi Gazette’s report, Chavosh Oglu quoted as saying: “The presence of extremists and Shiite militia is disastrous and Iraq should avoid both dangers.”

The Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Saudi Arabia also raised their approach on how to retake Mosul. Chavosh Oglu said it is better the people of (born in) Mosul and “local volunteers” lead the operations against ISIS in Mosul and “the Iraqi army and other factors can provide them with the necessary helps.” Adel Jubeir said, “It is better for Iraq to use its National Army and the factors that are not linked to Iran and are not sectarians help them. Turkey and Saudi Foreign Ministers, however, in their statements did not name their preferred factors (candidates) or volunteers.

Before meeting with his counterparts in the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and talking with the Saudi Foreign Minister about Iraq, Turkish Foreign Minister had made some talks with the Iranian regime’s Foreign Minister on this issue as well.

The Iranian regime is the main supporter of Iraq’s central government and also supports a number of powerful Shiite militia groups in that country.

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