To spite Khamenei, Ahmadinejad designates a minister for non-existing ministry

NCRI – In an obvious show of contempt towards Khamenei’s band, Ahmadinejad presented a designated minister to be approved by the mullahs’ parliament, or Majlis, for a ministry that is not yet created.


Government-run Fars News Agency described Ahmadinejad’s action as “yet another strange step” and wrote: “In his dealings with Majlis, the President has taken yet another astounding step and introduced Ali Nikzad as his choice of minister for a ministry that doesn’t have a material existence!”

“The reason this is astounding is that in the list of government ministries there exists no ‘Ministry of Infrastructural Affairs’. The only action in this regard is the Ahmadinejad cabinet’s decision to merge the Ministry of The Roads with Ministry of Housing, which has not yet been approved by the Majlis, and it is not clear that it would do so,” Fars wrote.

“Interestingly, the President has submitted the list of responsibilities and controls of the Ministry of Infrastructural Affairs to Majlis simultaneous with presenting the new minister. This is while first of all the ‘principle of merger of the two ministries’ should be approved by Majlis, then “the responsibilities and controls’ should be submitted and after that, ‘minister’s designation’ should occur,” the government-run Fars news agency wrote.

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