The Member of the Syrian National Coalition: We Have to Expel the Iran Regime from Syria


NCRI – A member of the political forces of the Revolutionary Guards and the Syrian Opposition claim that they have called on the U.S. to discharge the militants of the Iran regime not only from south of Syria but also from all over the country.

Yaser Farhan in an interview with al-Arabia TV on June 12, 2017, stated:

“The Syrian revolution called for the establishment of ceasefire from the beginning. Nevertheless, the ceasefire shall set out the following conditions: First, it must hold completely all over Syria so that the Assad regime and the Iranian militias will not be able to encroach into any region. Second, the ceasefire must coincide with the political transition and process. However, the recent agreement did not accord with these two circumstances. It was neither complete nor with a political process.

However, we hope that the ceasefire would mark a crucial turning point in tackling the problems. The problem is that the both main parties, the U.S. and Russia are not trying to expel the Iranian militias from Syria whereas they have always agreed on a specific area to move the militants away from the borders of Israel and Jordan. The both parties do not try to send the militias away from Damascus, Homs, and other areas. The plots of crimes still exist.

We told the Americans that according to Astana agreement, the ceasefire must hold all over Syria while the ceasefire is now limited. The Americans said that, ‘Iran does not guarantee the ceasefire; therefore, it would not be acceptable to us.’ We told the Americans that,’ The Iran regime is present in the suburbs of Damascus and we welcome you if you want to eliminate the role of Iran regime. We are against the presence of the Iran regime in Syria as an observer state. We do not want to give legitimacy to them.’ The Americans said that the region is important to them and the Assad and Iran regimes meet force with force.”

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