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The Deathbed Confessions of the Iranian Regime


NCRI Staff

NCRI – It’s no secret that the Iranian Regime will soon be overthrown by the people who have spent nearly five months protesting them in the streets. What’s surprising is that the Regime appears to be making deathbed confessions?

Violating UN Resolutions on missile production

The Iranian President has admitted that the Regime is violating the United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers.

On Wednesday, April 18th, Hassan Rouhani said: “We are declaring to the world that we will produce or procure any weapons we need and we have never been, are not and will not wait for their words, their agreements or their affirmative views.”

Under the nuclear deal itself, Iran is prevented from developing nuclear weapons, although there is plenty of evidence provided by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) that suggests Iran has violated this.

The UN resolution that surrounds the deal, signed by the US, the UK, France, Germany, China, and Russia, calls on Iran to halt the development of ballistic missiles. The evidence that Iran violated this resolution actually comes from fragments of missiles fired at Saudi Arabia by the Iran-backed Houthis, suggesting that Iran also violated a UN resolution against arming the Houthis. This is determined to be true by UN experts.

Massacring the Syrian people

Also on April 18, Iran’s armed forces day, a high-ranking commander in the Iranian army gave a speech that confessed that Iranian forces were heavily involved in the massacre of the Syrian people in order to prop up the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.

Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi even admitted that the Iranian Regime’s excuses for being in Syria to defend holy shrines were nothing more than “an exciting narrative that would be properly recounted at the appropriate time”. This means that the “shrines defence” was nothing more than a pretext, as if we couldn’t see that when the forces were stationed hundreds of miles from the shrines.

Also, Mousavi is a loyal ally to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and plays an active role in suppressing dissident personnel, so why would he openly admit to this if it wasn’t true?

The real alternative

What’s even more surprising that the mullahs’ confessions is the fact that they are now openly admitting who their organised, democratic opposition is after decades of trying to pretend that the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are insignificant and not a threat to the Regime’s power.

Mousavi openly admitted that the MEK and the US have only gotten stronger and more forceful in the past few months by exposing the true nature of the Regime. Meanwhile the suppressive forces of the Iranian Regime have gotten steadily weaker.