The Council of Pakistani Scholars: Iran Regime Threatens Middle East Security

NCRI Staff

NCRI – A council of scholars from Pakistan has warned the world that the Iranian Regime’s constant attempts to destabilise Middle Eastern countries- with help from terrorist proxy groups; Hezbollah and the Houthis- is a threat to security both in the region and around the world.

The Council of Pakistani Scholars told the international community that they must recognise the threat posed by the Iranian Regime and its proxies in order to take decisive action against it and prevent the disastrous consequences that would arise from additional Iranian-made crises in the Middle East.

Meddling in Domestic Affairs

The Lahore meeting, which was attended by prominent religious leaders, scholars, politicians from the Muslim world, was discussing the challenges faced by Arab and Muslim countries in 2017. Most notably, they focused on interference by foreign governments in domestic affairs (i.e. Iran’s role in Syria and Iraq) and attempts by foreign governments to encourage coups against the legitimate government (i.e. Iran’s role in Yemen and Lebanon).

Tahir Ashrafi, the chief of the council, said that the Pakistani scholars supported Saudi Arabia’s recent call on Arab nations to stand together in the face of Iranian aggression and terrorism to prevent the mullahs from interfering in the domestic affairs of other countries.

Terrorism in Yemen

He also advised Muslim countries to pressure the Iranian Regime to end its support of terrorism via regional groups.

In Yemen, the Regime supports the Houthi terrorist cell against the legitimate government, at the cost of the Yemeni people. On November 4, the Houthis- acting on the orders of the Regime- fired an Iranian-made ballistic missile at Riyadh International Airport; the 80th such missile since the conflict began in 2015.

In response, Saudi Arabia has blockaded Yemen and only humanitarian aid is allowed through, which drastically damages Yemen’s international trade.

Destabilisation Goal

The Iranian Regime is keen to destabilise the Middle East, so that they can seize control via proxy groups and create a Shiite Crescent from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean.

This Shiite Crescent, which already encompasses Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, would make it easier for the Regime to transport weapons, fighters, and money to terrorist groups without attracting attention and thereby make it easier for them to attack countries further abroad.

The Council of Pakistani scholars also welcomed the Arab League’s statement against Iran’s malign interferences and support of armed terrorist militias in the Middle East, from the emergency meeting in Cairo on November 19.

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