Terrorist bombing of a passenger bus by agents from Iran condemned

NCRI – Terrorist bombing of a passenger bus carrying workers in Iraq aroused outrage throughout the world. The Iraqi workers were on their way to Ashraf City, home to thousands of PMOI members, when their bus was hit by a road-side bomb set off by mullahs’ agents operating in Iraq.

Political and human rights organizations and personalities have widely condemned the attack and called on Iraqi government, the Coalition Forces, the US and the UN Secretary General to take measures to guarantee security for the People’s Mojahedin Organization in Iraq and all those working for them.

The German Solidarity Committee for a Free Iran, British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, European Parliamentary Friends of a Free Iran, Lord Corbett of Castle Vale, Members of European Parliament Paulo Casaca, Bernat Joan i Mary and Jaroslav Zverina are among groups and personalities who have raised their concerns over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Iraq.

Among the main points underlined in their letters to relevant authorities was the fact that the Coalition Forces and the International Red Cross have granted members of the
Iranian Mojahedin in Iraq the status of protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, reminding them of their obligations.

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