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Ted Cruz: Iran aggression against America has doubled since the JCPOA went into effect


17 senators seek to instigate an official inquiry by the Pentagon that would investigate an attack on the U.S. Navy by Houthi rebel forces, backed by support from the Islamic Republic of Iran.

It is believed that Iran used a part of the U.S. $1.7 billion payment to carry out this attack and support the Houthi terrorist forces in Yemen, alongside other worldwide terrorist organisations. The money is believed to have been paid as a ransom to free U.S. hostages. As a result, the U.S. taxpayers may be unknowingly sponsoring terrorist organisations.

Led by Sens. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) and Ted Cruz (R., Texas), the group of lawmakers are pleading with the Pentagon to carry out an investigation into the military activities taking place in Iran since the ransom was paid. There is evidence to suggest that the money that was paid by the US would continue to be used by the regime to further destabilise the Middle East.

“It is not a coincidence that Iranian aggression against America and our allies has doubled since the JCPOA went into effect—the $150 billion signing bonus is clearly going a long way,” Ted Cruz commented in an interview for The Washington Free Beacon.

The group of lawmakers expressed their concerns in an official letter dated Tuesday, October 11. It was addressed to Ash Carter, the Secretary of Defense and Joseph Dunford, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman. 

“The plain purpose of transferring the payment in cash to Tehran was to circumvent the effects of U.S. and international financial sanctions,” the letter stated. “Iran is almost certainly using this windfall to skirt the arms embargo and illicitly purchase weapons for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the terrorist organization Hezbollah, and/or the murderous Assad regime in Syria.”

It is believed that Iran is among the main instigators of conflict within Syria, supporting the Hezbollah terrorist forces that fight on the notorious al-Assad’s side by supplying them with  ‘Zelzal-3’ rockets, made in Tehran.

The letter expressed great concern at the possibility that the U.S. taxpayers’ money may have gone into sponsoring such terrorist movements, at the cost of those fighting on the side of the U.S. “We are deeply concerned that this large infusion of U.S. taxpayer-funded cash into the coffers of the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism is going to further embolden Iran and result in our troops and our allies confronting more lethal and better-equipped adversaries and potential adversaries.”

The Pentagon was admittedly not informed or consulted at the time when the cash payment was made, which is also addressed in the letter. “While we understand that other agencies and departments would be in the lead for such a transaction, we are deeply concerned that President Obama and the rest of the administration did not think it was necessary to even notify the secretary of defense or the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the United States was about to provide the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism with $1.7 billion in cash.”

“It seems clear that the Obama administration’s injection of substantial, liquid financial resources into Iran’s military budget also has significant and obvious implications for America’s national security interests and required military posture in the Middle East.”

The letter urges Pentagon officials into conducting an inquiry to investigate the extent of military activities conducted by the Iranian regime since they were issued with the large surge of money by the Obama administration.

“Congress has an obligation to ensure President Obama’s willful blindness towards the very real threats we face does not further endanger the American people,” Cruz commented.