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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismTaoufiq Sebti: Muslims unequivocally condemn Paris attacks

Taoufiq Sebti: Muslims unequivocally condemn Paris attacks


NCRI – France’s Muslim population strongly condemn the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, Taoufiq Sebti, Vice President of the French Council of the Muslim Faith (CFCM), said on November 21 at a ceremony in the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in Auvers-sur-Oise, north of Paris, to remember the 130 victims of the massacre.

“Faced with these barbaric acts, we the French people and those who love France have to react forcefully to denounce these atrocities and the killings. The CFCM has made a solemn appeal to all mosques and imams across France to be in solidarity and to provide a common word,” Mr. Sebti said.

“It is obvious that all Muslims of France condemn unequivocally these tragic attacks and stand against the ideology that feeds the perpetrators of these unspeakable acts.”

Mr. Sebti said that Muslims are themselves victims of the cruelty of terrorists whose ideology is based on Islamic fundamentalism. He highlighted as examples the attacks in recent years by agents of the mullahs’ regime in Iran on the members of the main democratic Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty in Iraq.

“We must never get tired of reaffirming our categorical and unambiguous rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism which are a negation of Islam’s values of peace and brotherhood.”