Syria: Hundreds of Iran IRGC forces are fighting in Daraa


Hundreds of members of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) are fighting against opposition forces in southern Syria, Arabic language daily Asharq al-Awsat reported.

A Syrian source underscored that over 600 Iranian revolutionary guards (IRGC) are fighting just in that front. He noted that the involvement of the Iranian regime’s military in Syria is no longer limited to military advisors and operation commanders.

The source that is close to the Syrian opposition that wanted to remain anonymous told AKI News Agency that “It is some time now that Iran has started to dispatch revolutionary guards to fight and that just in Daraa and Qunaitera it has at least 600 fully armed IRGC fighters. The Iranian involvement is no longer limited to military advisors and operations commanders. The revolutionary guards have entered Syria on a large scale.”

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