State-Media: Assadi’s Trial, Sets a Dangerous Precedent for All Iran’s Diplomat-Terrorists

Keyhan daily wrote about Assadi’s trial

Friday marked the first session of Iran’s diplomat-terrorist trial, Assadollah Assadi, and his three accomplices, who tried to bomb the opposition rally in 2018 in Paris. Now the regime’s officials are terrified that Assadi’s trial set a precedent in holding the regime to account for its terrorism in Europe.

It is the first time that a diplomat on duty is on trial for terrorism. Yet, it is not the first time the mullahs’ regime uses its diplomats for terrorism abroad.

“Instead of arresting a German diplomat in July 2018, when Germany arrested Assadi, the [regime’s] Ministry of Foreign Affairs appointed a lawyer for Assadi, who has diplomatic immunity. This will set a dangerous precedent.” wrote Keyhan daily on November 27. Keyhan is known as the mouthpiece of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.

“Of course, by accepting the arrest of Assadi and appointing a lawyer for him, the Foreign Ministry has confirmed that Mr. Assadi has no diplomatic immunity,” Keyhan added.

Assadi, on the direct orders of his masters in Tehran, refused to participate in the court on Friday. Assadi and his lawyer have been arguing that Assadi enjoys a diplomatic immunity based on Vienna Convention.

All the while, the prosecutor of Antwerp on Friday rejected Assadi’s claims of enjoying diplomatic immunity. While submitting the details about Assadi’s arrest in Germany, the prosecutor underlined that Austria, where Assadi’s served as Tehran’s third counselor, can’t object to his arrest because he was apprehended outside of Austria. According to international law, Assadi did not have diplomatic immunity at the time of the arrest.

Based on Belgium’s 2002 legislation, even if Assadi had diplomatic immunity, Belgian authorities could have arrested him. By reminding this fact, the prosecutor added that even according to Austrian law, Belgian police could arrest Assadi. Since he was planning to commit mass murder, international law allows authorities to strip Assadi of his diplomatic immunity and arrest him.

The prosecutor further underlined that Tehran’s order for Assadi not to appear in the court indicates the entire regime was behind the 2018 bombing plot.

Another evidence revealed during the court session on Friday further confirms the regime’s top officials’ involvement in this bombing plot.

According to the Belgian authorities, Amir Sadouni, one of Assadi’s accomplices, after he met with Assadi in Luxembourg on June 28, in a conversation with another agent, Negar, on WhatsApp confirmed the involvement of Khamenei himself in this terrorist operation.

“He [Assadi] told me that after [the bomb is exploded] he would go see Agha [master, a term used by the regime’s officials and affiliates to address Khamenei] personally,” Sadouni wrote.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) who was the primary target of the 2018 bombing plot, had previously revealed the role of Khamenei, and Hassan Rouhani, mullahs’ president, and other top officials of the regime in this terrorist operation.

“As I emphasized during my seven-hour testimony, the Supreme National Security Council, presided over by Hassan Rouhani, made the decision to bomb the Iranian Resistance’s annual gathering at the Villepinte, and the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei approved it. Khamenei, Rouhani, Javad Zarif and the mullahs’ Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi must face justice for decades of crimes and terrorism,” Mrs. Rajavi emphasized in a message simultaneous with Assadi’s trial.

The prosecutor indictment, the undeniable pieces of evidence, and Assadi’s refusal to appear in the court confirm the entire regime’s involvement in the 2018 bombing plot of the NCRI’s “Free Iran” rally.

This trial is the trial of the entire regime that tried every possible way to avoid its diplomat-terrorist condemnation.

As Mrs. Rajavi said, “The European Union and member states whose territories have become the roaming grounds for terrorism by the religious fascism ruling Iran are being judged by the court of public opinion to end the policy of silence vis-à-vis the regime’s terrorism and adopt a decisive policy towards Iran’s medieval regime.”

Thus, the regime’s leaders must be prosecuted and face justice. The EU countries should shut down mullahs’ embassies, which are nests of emissaries of terrorism and espionage. These are imperative and deterrent steps to counter the godfather of international terrorism.

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