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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismSpread of Coronavirus in Iraq: Another Souvenir of Iran’s Regime Along With...

Spread of Coronavirus in Iraq: Another Souvenir of Iran’s Regime Along With Terrorism and Chaos

Due to the negligence of the Iranian regime officials, the journey of Iranian pilgrims and travelers to Iraq, especially to the cities of Najaf and Karbala, continued even after the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran.
Due to the negligence of the Iranian regime officials, the journey of Iranian pilgrims and travelers to Iraq, especially to the cities of Najaf and Karbala, continued even after the outbreak of coronavirus in Iran.

Since the 2002 Iraq War, the Iranian regime has increased its deadly presence in Iraq via terrorism and meddling in Iraq’ internal affairs. Now the mullahs’ regime has been identified as responsible for the coronavirus outbreak in Iraq due to its inaction and cover-up in Iran.  

In an interview with the Iraqi Al-Iraqiya TV channel last week, Dr. Adham Ismail, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s representative in Iraq, said: “If it wasn’t [because of the regime in] Iran, no one  would have been infected with the [corona]virus in Iraq.”  

“If Iran wasn’t reluctant in combatting the coronavirus, if it had not been reluctant in its relations with China and had not held its parliamentary elections, and not just holding the elections, pilgrimaging in the city of Qom…. [the regime] should have imposed strict hygienic measure on pilgrimagethe disease would had not spreadSo, Iran has caused so many countries to be infected [by the coronavirus]; it has infected 17 countries. If it wasn’t [because of] Iran, no one would have been infected with the coronavirus in Iraq.”  

Since the coronavirus outbreak Iran, the regime, first chose to completely deny its existence and when more evidence leaked out, the mullahs’ regime was forced to admit to this crisis yet tried to downplay it. Since then, the regime has been pursuing a criminal campaign of cover-up, parallel to its inaction. This attitude has resulted in over 16,800 casualties and turned Iran into an epicenter of this virus; according to the reports published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK).  

The regime continues its terrorist activities in Iraq 

Terrorism and export of chaos abroad is one of the Iranian regime’s pillars of existence, along with domestic oppression. The regime has never stopped its illicit activities and warmongering plans in the regionWhile the Iranian people have been suffering from poverty and now shortage of medication and disinfectants amid the coronavirus outbreak, the regime continues funding its proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.  

News from Iraq indicates that since the elimination of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force (IRGC – QF) commander Qassem Soleimani, his successor, Esmail Ghaani, has traveled to Iraq to coordinate the activities of the regime’s terrorist proxy groups. There have also been some provocative actions and attacks against the U.S. forces in Iraq.  

The regime continues its malign and terrorist activities in the region, while through its apologists and regime-friendly journalists, it has been blaming U.S. sanctions for the increasing number of coronavirus deaths in Iran. This fact, along with regime’s continuous inaction and cover-up of the coronavirus crisis in Iran, its increase of oppressive measures, rejecting any foreign help (such as help offered by the U.S. and expelling the Doctors Without Borders from Iran), and not releasing prisoners and killing them instead, confirm that the regime needs the sanctions to be lifted in order to increase its terrorist activities; and it uses the coronavirus as a lever of pressure on the international community to receive more incentive packages.  

In a nutshell, the regime is using the coronavirus outbreak, via taking the Iranian people’s lives hostage, to fortify its pillars of existence, terrorism abroad and domestic oppression to prolong its life. Therefore, the international community’s inaction or succumbing to the regime’s demands will increase the misery in the Middle East, and in this case, due to the coronavirus and threat of terrorism, the whole world.