Southern Iraq death squads act on Iran regime’s order – defector

NCRI – Reporting on the Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq, the Al-Etjah Al-Akhar weekly, Mar. 27, published information by a former leader of an Iraqi militia group. The following is an excerpt from the weekly’s report on comments by the group leader, Abu Kadhim:

“Our group members were assigned to undertake many missions in Basra. We had a meeting with the Iranian Intelligence officials at the headquarters of one of the organizations. In this meeting, we were provided with information on the targets that had been chosen for assassination. Those selected by the Iranian regime as targets of assassination were local officials, academics, journalists and specially (Iraqi Army) officers who had fought in the war with Iran. The Iranian regime backs the death squads and Ahmadinejad’s government funds a large number of these squads to spread chaos and incite the Iraqi people. The documents obtained in this regard, indicate that the death squads have networks recruited by the Badr militias or the Qods Corps battalions and have presently infiltrated the Interior and Defense Ministries of Iraq.”

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