SOLIDARITY WITH FRANCE & The True Origin of Islamic Fundamentalism


Press Release – 14 November 2015

The True Origin of Islamic Fundamentalism

The International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ) strongly condemns the inhumane and vicious crime on Friday night in Paris and extends its condolences to the people and Government of France and President Francois Hollande. ISJ expresses sincere sympathies with families of the victims and wishes fast recovery of those wounded in the attacks.

This unforgettable tragedy underlines the need to gain an accurate understanding of the evil phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism terrorism and to work out a comprehensive and coordinated solution at international level.

The ISIS (Daesh) terrorists who have now turned France and other European countries into their battle ground, have already ravaged extensive parts of Syria, Iraq, Libya and many other Muslim countries in blood for two years.

They did not just appear out of nowhere. They have been nurtured by the extensive suppression and clampdown on the people of Syria at the hands of Bashar Assad and his main sponsor, the religious dictatorship in Tehran. They find their dynamism in the massacre of 300,000 people of Syria at the hands of the Iranian regime and Assad forces, and in the homelessness of half of the country’s populace.

The time has come for the international community to find a comprehensive solution against Islamic fundamentalism which started with the emergence of religious dictatorship in Iran in 1979 but has now turned into an urgent and major threat to the world.

This phenomenon initially began in a Shiite guise in Iran with executions, massacre and hostage-taking and in the absence of a decisive international reaction, expanded to Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. Then the Al-Qaida and ISIS terrorists further expanded it in a Sunni guise.

Ouster of Bashar Assad is the prerequisite to overcoming ISIS and so long as the Syrian regime is in power and continues its crimes, it is the best source of sustenance for ISIS. Likewise, the Iranian regime both as supporter of Assad and perpetrator of the massacre of Syrian people and as the most important source of terrorism and fundamentalism, cannot be a part of the solution and must be evicted from Syria. Any form of flexibility against it will only hearten the ISIS.

The Iranian Quds Force in a brazen reaction to this crime in Paris published a cartoon in its Tasnim news agency, describing the massacre as “self-created terrorism” – initiated by the French president!

In these difficult times, we stand in full solidarity with the Government and people of France as they mourn their loved ones.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras
President of International Committee In Search of Justice (ISJ)
Vice President of European Parliament (1999-2014)



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