Siniora says Iran FM ‘went over the limit’ on Beirut visit

Agence France Presse –  Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora in remarks published on Friday accused Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki of "going over the limit" by criticising his plan to end the war between Hezbollah and Israel.

During a visit to Lebanon last week, Mottaki expressed implicit reservations about Siniora’s seven point plan to bring peace to Lebanon, saying there was no rush to discuss questions beyond an immediate ceasefire.

"I think that Mr Mottaki went over the limit and some parties have been quick to adopt his position," said Siniora, in reference to Hezbollah and other Lebanese parties also close to Iran’s regional ally, Syria.

 "Our plan is based on what the Lebanese want and on the demands of Hezbollah," the prime minister said in an interview with the French-language daily L’Orient Le Jour.

Siniora’s plan envisages a ceasefire and an exchange of prisoners between Hezbollah and Israel, but also sending the Lebanese army into south Lebanon and the disarming of Hezbollah.

Iran is one of Hezbollah’s main backers and has praised the Shiite militant group’s resistance against Israel, although the Islamic republic rejects accusations that its support is anything other than moral in nature.

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