Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismSave the besieged people dying of starvation in Syrian city of Madaya

Save the besieged people dying of starvation in Syrian city of Madaya

NCRI – The criminal dictator of Syria Bashar al-Assad, supported by the Iranian regime and its terrorist IRGC Quds Force, continues to brutally suppress the Syrian people. Syria’s democratic opposition movement has made a call for urgent international action to save the people of the Syrian city of Madaya who have been facing a food blockade for months:

UN Secretary-General, European Union, President of the United States, Freedom-lovers of the world:

Save the besieged people dying of starvation in the city of Madaya, Syria

In a measure in contravention to all international norms and conventions and contrary to humanitarian and religious values, the Syrian army and the militias affiliated with it have imposed a siege on the Syrian civilians living in the city of Madaya preventing entry of basic foodstuff to the city. People have been forced to eat dogs, cats and grass and have now started to die of starvation.

If the whole world is unable to help the Syrian people and save them from tyranny and terrorism, it can send food to these besieged people and have the helicopters dropping barrel bomb carry basic foodstuff instead.





The Syrian opposition has launched a petition in this regard: