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Saudi Defence Official Blast Iranian Regime Over Airport Attack

Saudi Defence Official Blast Iranian Regime Over Airport Attack

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari

The Saudi Arabian Deputy Defense Minister has vowed to “confront and deter” the terrorist militias sent by the Iranian regime in the wake of the attack on the Kingdom’s Abha International Airport on Wednesday by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia.

Prince Khalid bin Salman said in a series of tweets posted to his official Twitter account: “Appropriate measures will be taken to these terrorist militias. We will stand against all those that aim to inflict harm on our security and interests, and we will continue to adhere to all international laws and norms to protect regional security and stability”.

He explained that this attack, which injured innocent civilians, is the continuation of immoral and criminal behaviour laid out by the mullahs in Iran, exposing the world to the “recklessness of Iran’s escalation and the danger it poses to regional security and stability”.

He said: “For 40 years, the Iranian regime has been spreading chaos, death and destruction, by sponsoring and financing terrorist organizations including the Houthis… The Iranian regime is the only party in the region that has been pursuing reckless escalation, through the use of ballistic missiles and UAVs to directly target civilian installations and innocent civilians.”

Prince Khalid went on to say that the international community must take action to avoid “grave consequences” as a result of the Iranian regime’s continuing “aggression and reckless escalation”, whether directly or through its terrorist proxy groups. He said that Saudi Arabia will confront the Houthi’s crimes with “unwavering resolve”.

This is far from a new problem. The Iran-backed Houthis have been firing missiles at Saudi Arabia since they stole power in Yemen in 2015, at roughly the same time that Saudi Arabia led an Arab alliance to restore the internationally-recognised government in Yemen.

While most missiles have been caught by the Saudi air defence systems, at least one man has died as a result of these attacks.

The Iranian regime is vying for proxy control of Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen through its regional meddling and has dangerously destabilised the Middle East by backing terrorist groups, like Hezbollah and Hamas, or dictators, like Bashar Assad, over the people of the region and their right to a democratic government.

Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has stated that in the interest of the Iranian people as well as regional peace and security, the Iranian regime and its forces must be evicted from Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan.