Reuters’ Special Report on Iran Regime’s Terror Attack on Saudi Oil Facility

Reuters’ Special Report on Iran Regime’s Terror Attack on Saudi Oil Facility

Reuters news agency published a special report this week on the Iranian regime’s plot to attack Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities – an attack which was described by Iranian opposition leader

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) regime’s attack on installations.

( sources inside Iran)

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) October 1, 2019

NCRI-US provided detailed information about the operation resulting in the attack which involved the highest levels of the IRGC who directed it at every step. Ali Khamenei, supreme leader of the regime, directly ordered the commanders of the operation to conduct the attack, and the tactical command headquarters for the operation deployed from Tehran to Khuzestan province (southwest Iran) one week prior to the attack. The missiles used in the attack were Ya-Ali cruise missiles, nicknamed Anti-Ali missiles by the Iranian people, produced by the Thamen-ol A’emeh Industries situated in Parchin, Tehran. 

Read the full NCRI special report: Iranian Regime’s Attack on Saudi Oil Installations


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