Resistance of Iran’s Revealing Activities Regarding IRGC


NCRI – On July 25, 2017, US congress passed Iran Sanctions Bill to counter with Iranian regime’s ballistic missile program and terrorist activities, and to designate the IRGC as a terrorist group.

The new sanctions are approved following Resistance of Iran’s widespread activities, revealing the IRGC’s role in repression at home and exporting terrorism and fundamentalism abroad, as well as its role in regime’s nuclear and missile program.

Through holding a series of press conferences and publishing several books, Resistance of Iran has exposed the IRGC’s role to public opinion:

In a press conference held at French Correspondents Club’s hall on 12 November 2008, the book ‘IRGC: A Fundamentalist, Terrorist Army’, by Mehdi Abrishamchi, responsible for NCRI’s Peace Committee, was introduced.

In the conference, Mehdi Abrishamchi and former Algerian PM ‘Syed Ahmed Ghazali’, who has written the book’s preface, described IRGC’s role as Mullahs’ main tool for exporting reactionarism and terrorism.

The 333-page, French-language ‘IRGC: A Fundamentalist, Terrorist Army’ describes in 13 chapters the history and formation of IRGC, its role as regime’s main organ for repression at home and exporting terrorism abroad, its plundering of Iranian people’s properties, and details of IRGC’s regional interventions, particularly in Iraq.

Revealing terrorist Quds Force’s training centers

In a conference held in NCRI’s Washington office on 16 February 2017, Resistance of Iran revealed Mullahs regime’s terrorist Quds Force’s training centers, used for training regime’s foreign hirelings and sending them to various countries to fight and export terrorism.

“In order to intensify its interventions in the region, including in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, and Afghanistan, the terrorist Quds Force has formed a huge center to train its foreign hirelings”, said Resistance of Iran’s representative in the press conference, adding “Directly supervised by Khamenei, the training division has dozens of bases across Iran. Quds Force’s training center accounts for one of regime’s most important terrorist organs.”

The training hadquarter as well as 14 of its training bases already identified by Resistance of Iran were revealed in the press conference, in which it was also maintained that “in addition to Quds Force, other IRGC’s forces, including its ground troops, navy, and missile forces are also involved in regime’s regional interventions, thus providing regime with force, weaponry and facilities to fulfill its expansionist, warmongering policies.”

Introducing the book ‘The Rise of IRGC’s Financial Empire’

In another revealing conference held at NCRI’s office in Washington on 8 March 2017, the book “Iran: the Rise of IRGC’s Financial Empire” was introduced, during which it was described how IRGC is expanding terrorism and intensifying regime’s regional interventions while at the same time is tightening its grip on Iran’s economy under the ruling of Mullahs, so as to provide for costs of its activities.

As asserted in the conference “since 2005, Khamenei under the cover of ‘privatization’ has actually tightened his grip on Iran’s economy and directed it towards the IRGC. The Mullahs regime is squandering 15-20 billion dollars a year in Syria. The IRGC has all the characteristics of a terrorist group and therefore it should be designated as a terrorist organization.”

The conference also included a discussion session in which several US politicians and experts took part. After reviewing IRGC’s role as regime’s main organ responsible for repression at home and exporting terrorism abroad, the participants in the discussion session called for designating IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Revealing new aspects of regime’s atomic bomb development program

Then on 21 April 2017, NCRI’s office in Washington held a press conference in Willard Hotel, revealing in front of foreign correspondents the new aspects of Mullahs’ continuous efforts for designing and developing an atomic bomb following the 2015 nuclear deal.

In the press conference, NCRI described regime’s ‘New Defense Research Institute’, aka SEPAND, which is the engineering organ of Mullahs regime’s nuclear weapon program, and also revealed the nuclear program’s new ‘Explosion and Blow Technology Research Center’, aka MEFTAZ, in Parchin’s Research institute. It was also maintained in the conference that “credible information gathered by PMOI network inside Iran shows that the structure of the organ responsible for designing nuclear bomb, actually the mastermind behind Mullahs regime’s nuclear bomb project, has been completely maintained following the nuclear deal, so that not only no reduction in its activates has been made, but its activities in some areas has even increased.

Revealing IRGC’s 42 missile centers

NCRI’s Washington office then held another press conference on 20 June 2017, revealing IRGC’s 42 missile centers responsible for missile development, testing, maintenance, launch, and control. The NCRI then called for imposing comprehensive sanctions on IRGC, designating it as a terrorist organization, and expelling its troops and its affiliated militias from regional countries, particularly from Syria and Iraq. Alireza Jafarzadeh said “following the nuclear deal, the IRGC has intensified its efforts to develop and expand its missile program, while Khamenei has made IRGC’s aerospace division responsible for accomplishing this mission.”

Jafarzadeh stressed “Resistance of Iran has identified IRGC’s 42 missile centers involved in missile development, test, maintenance, launch, and control. Of the 42 centers, 15 are dedicated to missile development industry. The remaining 27 centers identified by Resistance of Iran belong to IRGC’s aerospace division, including IRGC’s missile launch and control center (located in Dastvareh Garrison, Chitgar district, Tehran), and three places for missile testing (Southern Semnan, around Qom’s Salt Lake, and Southern Varamin).

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