Regime snubs UN special rapporteur

NCRI – The Iranian regime has said that it will not accept the UN’s newly appointed special rapporteur for human rights.

A state-run media outlet quoted the head of the regime’s so-called Human Rights Committee as saying, “The Islamic Republic will not befooled in the field of human rights.”


“The special rapporteur for human rights from the UN is not acceptable for us because there are hidden and biased goals behind the human rights resolution against Iran. Iran can only accept a balanced relationship and will not succumb to political pressure,” he said.

Another member of the regime’s Majlis, Elahian, complained about support for the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in the US and Britain and said, “These countries seek to paint Iran as a human rights violator through pressuring politicians and parliaments in European countries, the EU and the
American Congress.”

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