Regime official worried about Egypt and Tunisia effects on Iran

NCRI – A senior official of the Iranian regime expressed worries about the spill over effect of developments in Tunisia and Egypt to Iran and called on the regime’s factions to resolve their disputes in private.

Morteza Nabavi, a member of the regime’s Expediency Council and director of Resalat daily which is close to the ruling faction, said, “The country is going through sensitive times in view of economic sanctions, the targetization of subsidies and regional developments in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Tunisia and Egypt.”

“We must pay attention to these developments and sensitivities and avoid denting the unity of the heads of the various branches of government with the slightest complaint.”

According to the state-run Fars news agency on Thursday, Nabavi added, “Trying to resolve disputes through public forums and media is not right. … If boundaries aren’t respected then chaos will ensue.”

Referring to the consequences of lifting subsidies, he said, “The most important discussion currently in the country revolves around targetization of subsidies, which if not more important than the peaceful nuclear activities, is also not less important.”

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