Reactions to classified US cables released by WikiLeaks



NCRI – According to the Guardian, recently released US embassy cables reveal the Iranian regime’s notoriety as a meddler and a deceitful trouble maker that is after nuclear weapons.

One of the documents revealing an assessment by the US embassy in Baghdad says that the Iranian regime uses enticement and bullying against Iraqi parties and officials, coupled with economic aid and support and offering fatal aid to Shiite militias in order to influence Iraq.


Another document adds that Jordan, Egypt, and Washington’s main Arab allies are profoundly hostile to the Iranian regime.

The Associated Press wrote that the revealed classified documents lay bare an extensive global alarm over the Iranian regime’s nuclear adventurism.

According to AP, officials in Jordan and Bahrain clearly want an end to the Iranian regime’s nuclear program at all costs while leaders in Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt view the regime as an evil power and a serious threat.

The Italian Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, described the leaked documents as the “9/11 of world diplomacy” and said what was  once normal has now become subject to change.

The AFP wrote that many governments believe that the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is a agent of the Iranian regime.

According to al-Sharqiya TV, one document, dated April 2009, reveals that one-fifth of all those who requested visas to Iraq have potential ties to the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards or the Ministry of Intelligence.

According to AFP, one cable shows that the Iranian regime uses its Red Crescent ambulances to smuggle weapons and agents into Lebanon.

A document published by the Guardian points to comments made by Jordanian officials about the Iranian regime. The officials are quoted as saying that coming to terms with the Iranian regime – without stopping its support for terrorism, ending its nuclear program or convincing it to abandon its hegemonic regional ambitions – will ultimately strengthen Arab extremists and weaken moderates.

The Jordanian leaders argued that the best option against the Iranian regime’s expansionist agenda would be to weaken extremism on the Arab street by promoting the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, resolving the differences between Arabs and Israel and ensuring that the political and security structure of Iraq does not fall into the sphere of Iranian regime’s influence after a withdrawal of US forces.

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