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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian Terrorism"Iraq with A Future": Terrorist attack kills and injures members of the...

“Iraq with A Future”: Terrorist attack kills and injures members of the Dialogue Platform

NCRI – In a statement by “IRAQ WITH A FUTURE,” a group in the European Parliament, the terrorist bombing of the Iraqi Parliament was strongly condemned. Text of the statement is as follows:

Yesterday, a suicide bomber exploded himself on the Iraqi Parliament targeting an informal gathering of members aligned with the democratic and patriotic forces.

Mr. Mohammad Hossein Awadh, hosted by MEP Paulo Casaca in the European Parliament on September 2006 and member of the National Dialogue Front, directed by Mr. Salleh Al-Motlaq; Mr. Taha Liheibi, member of the Accord Front, and Mr. Abdullah Eskandar, from the party directed by Mr. Mashaan Al-Jabouri were killed on the explosion. The three belonged to the three of the so-called "Sunni political alliances".

Mr. Mohammad Tamim, from the National Dialogue Front, Mr. Assameh Najafi, from the Iraqi National List – leaded by the former Prime-Minister, Mr, Ayad al-Allawi, and known to be the main secular block, and Mr. Omar al-Ebadi, elected in a Kurdish list were also injured.

According to the Member of the Iraqi Parliament Mr. Hadi al-Amiri, Al-Arabia TV, April 12, 2007, "if anybody wanted to penetrate the Parliament he could do it because many conferences are held in this place. This is normal."

Mr. al-Amiri is the leader of the armed-wing of the "Superior Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq" a formation created in Iran in 1982 by a fatwa of Ayatollah Khomeini, whose armed forces occupied several parts of Iraq in 2003 and that is now the most important political party in the Iraqi Parliament.

According to Mr. Heidar al-Mulla, spokesman for the National Dialogue Front, referring to the terrorist attack, "this message is given by those who have monopolised the power and the security apparatus in which the Iranian regime interferences are very clear to everybody" (Al-Jazeera, April 12, 2007).

One should remember that the Iraqi Parliament’s building security was recently transferred from the Allied forces to the Iraqi Government.

In a very similar suicide bomb-attack in the beginning of the month, the terrorists narrowly missed Doctor Abdullah Al-Jabouri a leading Iraqi democratic politician, while killing five people and injuring dozens.

MEP Paulo Casaca expresses his condolences to the families of the deceased and his solidarity to those who were injured – some of them that had been in the European Parliament in January – and to the leaders of the political parties targeted by this terrorist act.

MEP Paulo Casaca declared "it is of the utmost urgency that the West understands that what really is going on in Iraq is tantamount to genocide and to take firm and intelligent acts to stop it".

Brussels, 13 April 2007