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HomeIran News NowLatest News on Iranian TerrorismProsecutors present key evidence on first day of Hariri murder trial

Prosecutors present key evidence on first day of Hariri murder trial

hariri-assassinationProsecutors at The Hague-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon (TSL) began to present evidence, which they say incriminates the four members of Lebanese Hezbollah, who are being tried in abstentia, France 24 reported.

FRANCE 24 correspondent said: “The prosecution has gone through telephone data which they say will prove there was a plot to target Rafik Hariri”.

“That’s expected to make up a large part of their case as there are no defendants present in court: the four men indicted as part of this case have never been arrested,” report added.

The German news magazine Der Spiegel reported on Wednesday that two suspects in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri are in Iran while the rest may have been victim of “preventative liquidation.”

“Western intelligence agencies believe that the two prime suspects in Hariri’s assassination are in Iran,” Der Spiegel reported.

Der Spiegel added that Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Iranian regime might know the whereabouts of the two wanted men, but it doubted that he will cooperate.

Four suspects from Hizbullah group will go on trial in absentia on Thursday, charged with the February 14, 2005 bombing that killed Hariri and 22 others in downtown Beirut.