Prominent Shiite leader calls for end to Iranian regime meddling in Iraq

NCRI – Iyad Jamaluddin, a prominent Shiite leader in Iraq, has called on the country’s ‎journalists, intellectuals, and religious and political leaders to act on the majority will of ‎the Iraqi people and confront the meddling of the Iranian regime and its proxies in ‎Baghdad.‎

According to Azzaman daily, the chairman of Iraq’s Ahrar faction, also said the residents ‎of Camp Ashraf, members of the main Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin ‎Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), are “guests of Iraq, and in accordance with Iraqi ‎traditions, we should support our guest. Ashraf residents are also protected by ‎international laws.”‎

Azzaman added that the Society of Free Iraqi Lawyers has also issued a statement ‎demanding protection for Ashraf residents as well as the fulfillment of the camp’s ‎medical needs. The lawyers association called for the removal of obstacles against the free ‎flow of logistical necessities, aid and medicine to the camp.‎

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