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Presence and extensive casualties of IRGC in Syria – a need to confront meddling of Iranian regime, the main cause of crisis


Rouhani’s sickening praise for Soleimani to boost the morale of the Revolutionary Guards

Regime’s Speaker of Parliament: IRGC has not confined itself to geographical borders

The ever-increasing presence and unprecedented casualties of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and mercenary militias in Syria demonstrate well that the main issue and the source of the crisis in Syria are the criminal ruling mullahs in Iran who have tied the fate of their regime to that of Syria and despite consecutive losses and coffins arriving in various cities of Iran dispatch even more IRGC and mercenaries to Syria, which for them has become such a lethal quagmire.

Mullah Hassan Rouhani, the regime’s President, on Tuesday May 10 praised Qassem Soleimani, the IRGC terrorist Qods Force commander, and his crimes in Iran and in the region in repugnant statements. Five days after the massive casualties of the Revolutionary Guards in the south of Aleppo, in order to boost the morale of the IRGC and distraught mercenaries, he said: “Today, if we look at everywhere in the east of Iran and not only Iran, but everywhere in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and everywhere, we observe the footprint of courage and heroism of commander Soleimani.”

Rouhani, using the characteristic obscenity of the ruling mullahs, who are the main cause of insecurity, killings and crisis in the region, said: “Today, the burden of responsibility for the security of other countries who ask us to help is on the IRGC, that is courageously present in those fronts, to defend the holy places of our holy shrines in Iraq and Syria, to defend the oppressed in Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan and elsewhere who are asking for help from the Iranian nation and the Iranian government “(Tasnim News Agency- Qods Force –May 10).

Meanwhile, Ali Larijani, Speaker of the regime’s Parliament, said: “The IRGC has not confined itself to geographical borders. Today, it has considered defending the shrine and fighting Takfiri oppressors its jihadi duty and in the last few days martyrs of Mazandaran guards were blazing flames of Hosseini love “(Radio Farhang – May 10).

The statements by Rouhani and Larijani on the one hand reveal the dimensions of the regime’s losses in Syria that have broken the morale of the Revolutionary Guards, and on the other hand show that all factions of the clerical regime have common interest in warmongering in Syria, and with the fall of Syrian dictator, the totality of this regime would be poised to fall. No wonder that simultaneous with the regime’s criminal attacks in Syria and particularly Aleppo, Ali-Akbar Velayati, Khamenei’s political adviser, stressed in his trip to Syria and meeting with the Syrian dictator that Assad’s remaining in power was a red line for the regime and the regime would use all its capacity to confront and fight Syrian revolutionaries, whom he called terrorists.

Incidents of the last few days in Syria and the presence and extensive casualties of the Revolutionary Guards in the country as well as statements of the regime’s leaders show well that confronting the clerical regime in Syria and eviction of the IRGC from there is the first and the most important step in resolving the crisis in Syria and the whole region.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
May 10, 2016