Petraeus says Iran still training Iraq militants

ZURBITIYAH, Iraq (AFP) — The commander of US forces in Iraq said on Wednesday that Iran was continuing to train militants despite Tehran’s pledge to cut all support for the insurgency.

General David Petraeus said he was uncertain if supplies of weapons flowing into Iraq from Iran was decreasing, but said that Iranian training of militants posed a serious threat to Iraq’s stability.

sked whether Iran had stopped the flow of money and weapons into Iraq, Petraeus told reporters: "We honestly don’t know, it is unclear. We do know that training (of Iraqi militants in Iran) has continued.

"It is at an important scale, because these are individuals with considerable skill who can train other individuals in Iraq.

"It is a very unhelpful addition to the mix. We call it a lethal accelerant to a situation in Iraq that already has enough challenges."

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