Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iran: “Those who speak of military option are liars and bluffers,” Suleimani says

Ghasem Suleimani , the commander of the terrorist Quds Force of the Iranian regime said: " Those who speak of the military option are...

Iran regime broadcasts video to recruit children for Syria war

NCRI – The Iranian regime, faced with a crisis in recruiting fighters to defend Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, has embarked on a new propaganda...

IRAN: Top IRGC commander killed today in Aleppo

NCRI - A senior commander of the Iranian regime's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) was killed on Tuesday in fighting in the north-western Syrian...
US Determined to Evict Iran Regime From Yemen

US Determined to Evict Iran Regime From Yemen

By Staff Writer United States special representative for Iran said on Wednesday that the US s determined to battle the Iranian regime’s threat in...

Iranian involvement in Iraq

AFP -The US commander of multinational forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus, said Wednesday that efforts to quell unrest in the western Sunni province...
Iran Regime Continues to Export Terrorism

Iran Regime Continues to Export Terrorism

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari The Iranian regime has been described as the number one threat to peace and security in the Middle East. For years,...

US official discusses Iran sanctions in UAE

ABU DHABI (AFP) — A senior US official said Monday he discussed the latest sanctions imposed by Washington against Iran with officials in the...

Sunni Arab states wary of Iran’s role

By Roula Khalaf, Middle East editor Financial Times - In deflecting pressure for a change of policy towards Iran and Syria, President George W. Bush...

Revolutionary Guard’s Missiles Fired Into Syria Hit Hospitals and Residential Areas

NCRI - “The six missiles launched into Deir ez-Zor by Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards have actually hit a hospital, residential areas, and a number of...
Siniora says Iran FM 'went over the limit' on Beirut visit

Siniora says Iran FM ‘went over the limit’ on Beirut visit

Agence France Presse -  Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora in remarks published on Friday accused Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki of "going over the...