Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Yemen urges Iranian regime to stop interference

Yemen's president called on the Iranian regime to stop supporting 'separatists in the south and religious groups in the north' of the Arabian peninsula...

Iranian man using fake Israeli passport arrested in Nepal

KATMANDU, Nepal (Associated Press)— An Iranian man using a fake Israeli passport is being questioned in Nepal after being arrested outside the Israeli embassy,...

Maliki’s office is seen behind purge in forces

Some top commanders who were removed, arrested had pursued militiasBy Joshua PartlowWashington Post BAGHDAD - A department of the Iraqi prime minister's office is...

Gen. Petraeus: Iran assisting Taliban

UPI -  Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said Wednesday Iran is providing a "modicum" of assistance to the Taliban. ...

Iran: Virtual Conferences Point To Persistent Mullahs’ Terrorism, Underline Strong Response

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) has hosted several recent virtual conferences, promoting alternatives to current Western policies toward the Iranian regime....

Members of Iranian regime’s IRGC convicted for planning terrorist attacks

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A Kenyan court has found two Iranian nationals guilty of planning to attack Western targets in Kenya. Magistrate Kaire Waweru...

Bahrain expels Iranian regime’s ambassador over ‘meddling’

Bahrain has recalled its ambassador from Iran and ordered the Iranian regime's envoy to leave the country, accusing Tehran of meddling in its affairs....
EU Appeasement of Iran Regime Continues

EU Appeasement of Iran Regime Continues

By Shahriar Kia Throughout the 40 years of its existence, the Iranian regime has been planning and carrying out terrorist attacks and assassinations across the...
Saudi Arabia wants Iran to hand over suspects

Saudi Arabia wants Iran to hand over suspects

Reuters, RIYADH, April 7 - Saudi Arabia has asked Iran to hand over suspected militants plotting against the kingdom's security, the Saudi interior minister...

Iran: IRGC commander says today’s war targets the regime

NCRI - The commander of Iranian regime's Revolutionary Guards warned on Saturday that the enemies are targeting the beliefs 'to take over the Islamic...