Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Call by Yemen to Stop Interference of Iran Regime

  Yemen’s official news agency (Saba) reported that the country’s Council of Ministers met on Thursday in Aden to review the results of the UN...

Jordanian Daily: The Iranian Regime Is Actually Other Side of ISIS Coin

  NCRI - The Jordanian daily Al-Raay has written: "Perhaps one of the rare incidents is that the interests of the vast majority of the...

The Member of the Syrian National Coalition: We Have to Expel the Iran Regime...

NCRI - A member of the political forces of the Revolutionary Guards and the Syrian Opposition claim that they have called on the U.S....

Panel Discussing the Ousting of the Iranian Regime

NCRI - During the “Free Iran” rally on July 1st, a panel discussed the overthrow of the clerical regime in Iran and the end...

Links Between Al-Qaeda and Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Revealed

Two investigative reporters - Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark – have written a book called “The Exile” about how members of terrorist organisation al-Qaeda...

Khamenei’s Fear Over Weakening of Hashed Al-Sha’bi Militias in Iraq

  NCRI - Khamenei fears that with the removal of Daesh in Iraq the next one would be Hashed al-Sha’bi militias. Najeh al-Mizan, an independent Iraqi political...

The Missile Strike Threat of Iran Regime’s Leader Against Saudi Arabia

NCRI - Cleric Alamal-Hoda, Khamenei’s representative and Friday prayer leader in Northeastern city of Mashhad, while confessing to low participation of people in Qods Day...

Iran Acknowledges Launching 1,000 Missiles on MEK Headquarters in 2001

NCRI - Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) acknowledged once again the launching of  1,000 missiles targeting opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) bases in Iraq...

Revolutionary Guard’s Missiles Fired Into Syria Hit Hospitals and Residential Areas

NCRI - “The six missiles launched into Deir ez-Zor by Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards have actually hit a hospital, residential areas, and a number of...

The Real “Recipe for War” Is Iran Regime’s Intervention in Syria

  NCRI - Confrontations involving the Iranian regime and its proxies are causing tensions to reach new levels in the Middle East. One of the most recent...