Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Iran: IRGC Must to Be Blacklisted, International Leaders call

The new U.S. government has been called by policymakers to support designating of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization....

IRAN: More IRGC commanders, mercenaries killed in Syria

NCRI - As the Iranian regime’s casualty rate in Syria mounts, the bodies of those killed in recent days including many members of the...

Iran: Javad Zarif rushes to whitewash regime’s crimes in Syria

NCRI - The Iranian regime that is running Syria has rushed to whitewash its crimes in Syria. The Iranian regime's Foreign Minister claimed that...
On Monday, tensions between Iran & the West continued to escalate as the regime took two distinct measures aimed to blackmail community.

Iran Regime’s Dangerous Regional Mischief Calls for Firmness

On Wednesday, rockets struck bases housing US forces in both Syria and Iraq, marking the third consecutive day of hostilities by Iran-backed militant groups....

Report: To defeat ISIS, Assad must be removed from power in Syria

NCRI - The International Committee In Search of Justice has published a new reported entitled “Islamic Fundamentalism and Road Map to Defeat Daesh (ISIS).”Following...

Iran Regime Enlisting Afghan Minors to Fight Abroad

NCRI Staff NCRI - It has been discovered that the Iran regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has been recruiting children to go and fight...

Iran: 300 Thousand Dollars Prize for the Execution of Salman Rushdie by IRGC Affiliated...

NCRI - According to the terrorist Quds Force Tasnim news agency on February 19, participants in the fourth exhibition called digital media of the Islamic...

Khamenei’s Speech at Friday Prayer Sermon Demonstrates His Absolute Deadlock

Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei led Tehran’s Friday prayer sermon for the first time in after eight years on Friday, January 17, which...

Ken Blackwell: U.S. Policy Should Work to Transform Iran

In the run-up to the U.S. Presidential elections, Iran and Islamic extremism have become the main foreign policy challenges, argues Ken Blackwell, a former...

Iran Regime Is ‘Helping Terrorists Strike Western Targets’ US General Warns

  NCRI Staff NCRI - U.S. General James Conway said the Iranian regime is actively helping terrorists around the world carry out brutal massacres in US and...