Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Iran Regime’s Fear of Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) Sanctions

NCRI Staff NCRI - While the Iranian regime has until January to implement its commitments to the international anti-money laundering organization, the government of Hassan...

Iran Regime Worryingly Recruits Children in Its Wars

NCRI Staff NCRI - It has been reported that children as young as fifteen are being recruited by the Iranian regime to participate in armed...

The Council of Pakistani Scholars: Iran Regime Threatens Middle East Security

NCRI Staff NCRI - A council of scholars from Pakistan has warned the world that the Iranian Regime’s constant attempts to destabilise Middle Eastern countries-...

Iran Regime: We May Increase Our Missile Range to Reach Europe

November 26, 2017. The deputy head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards warned Europe that if it threatens Tehran, the Guards will increase the range of...

Iran Regime’s Destabilizing Activity and Support for Terrorist Proxies in the Region Must Be...

NCRI Staff NCRI - Tehran Intimidates Regional States through its Proxies' is the title of an exclusive article by Said AL-Abyad which appeared in...

Syrian Opposition Tells Iran Regime to Leave Syria

NCRI Staff NCRI - A coalition of mainstream Syrian opposition groups gathered in Saudi Arabia to criticise the military presence of the Iranian Regime (and...

US Appeal Court Reopens $1.7 Billion Terrorism Case Against Iran Regime

NCRI Staff NCRI - The US Court of Appeals has revived part of a $1.68 billion lawsuit against the Iranian Regime’s central bank, Bank...

Bahrain: Iran Regime Responsible for Terror Attack on Oil Pipeline

NCRI Staff NCRI - The Bahraini Interior Ministry declared that the Iranian Regime ordered the attack on a major oil pipeline between Bahrain and Saudi...

Motion Tabled at UK Parliament to Blacklist Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards

NCRI Staff NCRI - A new motion has been tabled at the United Kingdom Parliament calling on the British government to blacklist the Iranian...

Report Reveals Iran Regime’s Support for Terrorism

NCRI Staff NCRI - A new report detailing the Iranian Regime’s support for Islamic terrorist groups, including Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah and ISIS, has been released by...