Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Regime Change Is Only Way to Stop Iran Proxies in Iraq

NCRI Staff NCRI - When Iraqi Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa calling on all able-bodied Iraqis to defend their country against ISIS, a...

Tackle Syria by Tackling Iran

NCRI Staff NCRI - Hundreds of people, mostly children, died in a direct strike on the rebel-held area of eastern Ghouta, in Syria, on Tuesday....

Iran’s Involvement in Syria Is Creating A “New Holocaust”

  NCRI Staff NCRI - A high-ranking member of the Syrian opposition has said that the actions of the Bashar Assad Regime, along with its allies Iran...

Iranian Expansionism Destroying the Middle East

  NCRI Staff NCRI - The aggressive expansionism of the Iranian Regime has caused violence and divisions across the Middle East, while their efforts to create regional...

Draft UN Resolution to Condemn Iran Regime for Supplying Houthis With Ballistic Weapons

NCRI Staff NCRI - A draft United Nations resolution to condemn the Iranian Regime for allowing its ballistic missiles to get into the hands of...

Aiding Iraq Is a Mistake While Iran Regime Is Still in Power There

NCRI Staff NCRI - Iraq is set to get $30 billion to be used for reconstruction plans, but many are questioning why anyone would invest such...

Iran-Backed Militia Threatens US Troops in Iraq

NCRI Staff NCRI - An Iranian-backed militia group that is currently supported fighting in Iraq and Syria just threated the US military in Iraq and...

How the Iranian Regime Is Waging a Proxy War in the Middle East

  NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime has been merging its proxy groups across the Middle East with existing local defence forces in various countries, which...

New Sanctions Against Iran Regime-Proxy Hezbollah

NCRI StaffNCRI -There can be no doubt that the Lebanese Hezbollah does the bidding of the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and as...

Iran: Reaction of a Senior Official to Slogan “Neither Gaza nor Lebanon, My Life...

NCRI Staff NCRI - Regarding the slogan of Iranian protesters condemning the regime's interference in other countries, Ali Akbar Velayati, senior advisor to the regime's...