Monday, July 22, 2024

Supply of Arms to Yemen – Iran Regime No Longer Has Plausible Deniability

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Conflict Armament Research, an investigative organisation that looks into the supplies of weapons, ammunition and military material in conflict zones, has compiled...

Motion Tabled at UK Parliament to Blacklist Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards

NCRI Staff NCRI - A new motion has been tabled at the United Kingdom Parliament calling on the British government to blacklist the Iranian...

Iran’s Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism

  By NCRI Staff NCRI - Iran can deny it as many times as it wants, but it is clear that it is still involved in terrorist...
attack on al-Harra, southeast of the town of Albu Kamal in Syria

Iran Regime’s Land Bridge to the Mediterranean Must Be Blocked

By Staff Writer As a result of an attack on al-Harra, southeast of the town of Albu Kamal in Syria, there were several deaths...

A confession regarding the death of 50 Basiji Students in Syria

NCRI - The head of Basij Student Organization of Iran admitted that 50 Basiji students have been killed in Syria so far. As Basij Press...

Diplomat’s Terror Trial Should Shape Iran Policy

On June 30, 2018, the National Council of Resistance of Iran held its annual “Free Iran” rally outside of Paris, for the purpose of...

Iran Regime’s Toll Increased in the Clashes in Syria

NCRI - Each day the commanders of regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, the main apparatus of suppression and terrorism (IRGC), are killed during the conflicts...
Struan Stevenson, President of EIFA

Iraq group: Iran-backed Badr Organization militias must be expelled from Diyala province

NCRI - Terrorist militia groups with ties to the regime in Iran are carrying out atrocities in the Iraqi province of Diyala, north of...

Iran Regime Ambassador in Iraq: Our Frontline Is Mosul, Lebanon, Aleppo and Syria

NCRI - Senior adviser to Qassem Soleimani commander of the IRGC terrorist Quds Force, Iraj Masjedi, who has recently been appointed as Iranian regime’s ambassador...

We have the worst situation in Syria and deep hatred is created against Iran...

NCRI - In the continuing factional feuds over the stalemate of the Iranian regime policies in the region, Mehdi Khazali, the son of cleric Abolqassem...